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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Karomah Mosque

-Legacy of the saint-
i really love its beautiful complexion that
blended Indian architecture with tropical surrounding.
The 'divinity' could be felt right after you walk through the big gate.


Anonymous said...

What i can say is...."YOU ARE REALLY GOOD AT IT"

Anonymous said...

attention to the photographer:hehe...act this one is not supposed to be a formal comment from me..first of all(still it sounds like formal to me)..hehe..the half moon and the star.i think when you captured it,you should focus on the pillar,the moon and the star because i get distract with half of the had mentioned about the big gate,why didn t you put the pic of the big gate so that i can imagine the mosque as a thing is that the minaret..i suggest that when you captured it,take from the angle that facing the sun..i mean,i like the one that on the right most..or else nampak gelap..hehe...(full of comments from me)

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